Project Overview Utility infrastructure improvement for a large operational campus. Approximate Contract Value - $11 million Scope of Service Build a structure/facility for major utilities...
White River Solar project is a 25.2MWDC solar photovoltaic, grid connected power generation facility. Ryan’s responsibilities comprised full engineering, procurement and construction of the entire...
Ryan’s responsibilities comprised full procurement and construction of the entire system including procurement of electrical equipment, preparation of the site involving management of all project...
Corcoran Solar Project is a 25.7 MWDC solar photovoltaic, grid connected power generation facility. This project was completed in 8 months. Ryan’s responsibilities comprised full...
White River 2 Solar project is a 26.6MWDC solar photovoltaic, grid connected power generation facility. This project was completed in 10 months. Ryan’s responsibilities comprised...
Corcoran Solar Project is a 28.3 MWDC solar photovoltaic, grid connected power generation facility located in Corcoran, California. Constructed for Consolidated Edison Development (CED). Immediately...
Portfolio represents a total of 7.2 MWDC ground mount at three different locations in Berkshire County, MA Project List for Syncarpha Portfolio Hancock I Hancock...
Project Overview Construction of New 12 kV Switchgear Building including switchgear, cable vaults, incoming PG&E service conduits, manhole and interrupter switch, 12 kV loop feeder...
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