Construction of Shore-to Ship Power Project at Pier T, Berths T132-T140
Approximate Contract Value – $25 million
Scope of Service
The Work includes, but is not limited to, the following items:
Construction of 25 kV switchgear adjacent to existing switchgear at the
Main Terminal Substation (“MTS”).
Construction of Shore-to-Ship Power (“SSP”) Substations SSP 1, SSP2, SSP3 and SSP4.
Construction of Shore to Ship Power Outlets SPO-I, SPO-2, SPO-3, SPO-4, SPO-5, SPO-6, SPO-7, SPO-8, SPO-9, SPO-to, and SPO-ll, including wharf modifications for vaults.
Construction of equipment pads.
Earthwork, including excavation, bedding, filling, grading and segregate, test, reuse and dispose of excavated soil
Installation of crushed miscellaneous base and asphalt concrete pavement.
Demolition of existing paving, fencing and bollards.
Construction of paving, fencing and bollards, including footings.
Construction of duct banks, manholes and pull boxes.
Construction of conduit systems, including supports, under the existing
Construction of existing slurry and cut-off wall penetrations.
Installation of conductors in existing and new duct bank systems.
Installation and interconnections of new fiber optic cables for Power Logic
Communications between SSP substations, MTS switchgear and
Improvements to District No. 4 Henry C. Garnett Water Purification Plant Service Entrance
Approximate Contract Value – $13.5 million
Scope of Service
Ryan was the prime contractor and electrical contractor
Preparation of site – site clearing, dust control, environmental protection, and perimeter fence
Construction of a new 115kV to 4160v substation and service entrance building
Installation of a 4.16 kV electrical power distribution system comprised of remotely operated medium voltage switchgear
2000kw Stand-by diesel engine generators
Installation of an automatic transfer control system
Providing all electrical raceways, including concrete encased underground ductbanks, cable tray and conduit, and conductors required to connect the following existing facilities
Construction of New 12 kV Switchgear Building including switchgear, cable vaults, incoming PG&E service conduits, manhole and interrupter switch, 12 kV loop feeder distribution control system and campus power monitoring system
12 kV loop feeder distribution system comprised of four feeder loops as follows:
Feeder Loop 1- Feeds 26 facilities on West side of campus
Feeder Loop 2 – Feeds 17 facilities in the Central/ South sides of the campus
Feeder Loop 3 – Feeds 24 facilities on the North/East sides of the campus
Feeder Loop 4 – Feeds Central Plant and the new switchgear building on the North side of the campus
Building incoming low voltage service feeders, switchboards and power meters. Includes connecting the power meters to the local building IDF for connection to the new campus power monitoring system
Underground PG&E infrastructure between Cedar and Chestnut Avenues located on the North side of Barstow Avenue as part of the PG&E Rule 20 design project to underground the existing overhead 12 kV pole line as part of a street widening project to add a bicycle lane in the future
The design includes equipment pads on grade for transformers and capacitors